From the upcoming album by Ethan Gold: EARTH CITY 1: THE LONGING

Director Ari Gold: “My brother Ethan’s song evoked for me a desire to dance and connect with the world, a need to burst out of our shell. So we enlisted teams in multiple ‘lonely cities’ to film themselves stepping out boldly, and connecting with each other - even if telepathically - through the power of music and courage.”

Supervising Director: Ari Gold

Video produced by: the Brothers Gold & Elizabeth Lawrence (Creative Schemes).

People of bright & lonely cities:
(San Francisco, California, USA)
Ethan Gold
Directed and filmed by Ari Gold

(Jacksonville, Florida, USA)
Sunny Parker, Alex Makonnen, Myles Dante, & Madeline Geddes
Directed and filmed by Elizabeth Lawrence & Marlaina Geddes & Luis Rivera & Zane Hall

(Tbilisi, Georgia) Preston Ken Zeng
Directed and filmed by Sal Vanegas Assistant: Alyona Korchikova

(Lille, France)
Alexandra Clin Directed and filmed by Laurent Ladrier

Edited by: David Blackburn
Assistant Editor: Yuri Chernykh

Additional footage: Pexels: Henry (Hong Kong), George Morina (London), CityXcape (New York), Simply Visual (New York). Shutterstock: Kipiani Alex (Tbilisi).